Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Cutest 1 year old niece around!

Our cute niece Marlee Mychele Ku'uipo Roberts turned 1 on December 8th!
She's a adorable and so much fun! Love her forever and always!

Friday, December 3, 2010

First married Thanksgiving

This year was our first Thanksgiving together. We are blessed to have both of our families live in the same town, so we got to be with both of them. Thanksgiving day we spent with the Warburton's and had a delicious meal :) I love them and it was so much fun helping to prepare dinner with my mother-in-law. We always have a good time with them. Then we headed up to my house to have pie with them. All of my family plus some were there besides Christine Levi and Ezra. We had fun with everyone there too, it's always a crazy house when we all get together, I love it!
I have an awesome new sister-in-law Veronica(Mick's wife) who got us to go black Friday shopping. Me, Jana, Veronica, Heidi (our exchange student from Germany) and Mick (our place holder in line) braved the 3 degree weather and headed out at 10 pm. We had a great time hitting up all the craziness, and it was fun spending more time with Veronica and getting to know her better, I love her and I always welcome more girls into the family!
On Friday I braved the cold again and headed out with the Warburton's to go shooting. I love shooting and it's a family tradition they have, I went last year as Race's 'just friend' this year as his wife... We had fun shooting clay pigeons and chatting and sitting around the fire. Surprisingly, I'm not too bad of an aim and can hit the pigeons.

After hanging out with our families we heading to Vegas because we had tickets to the Trans Siberian Orchestra! This has been on bucket list because my brother Jake is one of their biggest fans and always is raving about them. And thanks to Jake, I got to meet one of the lead violist Roddy Chong this summer and had the opportunity to be his assistant. Roddy is awesome and that awesomeness runs in TSO. The concert was so AMAZING! If you haven't seen them you HAVE to go, you won't regret it! Look them up if you haven't heard of them.
Last but not least of course I have to include our cute niece Marlee, I love her and she has such a personality now, I can't get enough of her :) Race was blowing up the air mattress and she was standing there watching him so he handed it to her and she started blowing into it! The picture shows how cute it was! We got to stay at David and Jana's in Vegas Saturday night and we went to a car show and just hung out, we love spending time with them! I love having Marlee around too because Race is so good with her! She just looks at him and gets this HUGE grin on her face and starts giggling. He's always playing with her. He seriously will be the best dad... one day